Testa Search Partners
About Us
Testa Search Partners is a staffing and recruitment company that provides superior staffing services to clients nationwide. When you partner with us, here’s what your organization can expect…
The first thing you’ll notice and come to expect is our Experience. Our 30 years of industry-specific experience in the energy and utility industry as well as the technology and engineering sector sets us apart from most recruiting agencies. We have walked in hiring manager shoes for several decades so we know the challenges and pressures that come with growing a team while fighting operational fires! We truly know the industries that we serve, which means we understand the challenges you face, we know which companies to target, and we know which candidates might be looking for their next great opportunity. In short, we can find passive candidates for you that others cannot locate.

You can also expect us to be Focused. We are completely client-focused and always have our client’s interests ahead of our own. We develop trusted partnerships with clients and candidates where transparency, honesty, and integrity are at the forefront of all we do.
Finally, you can expect Excellence. We are committed to being a top-rated utility and technology/engineering recruiting and staffing firm by leveraging our unique expertise, tools, metrics-driven processes, and vast network to find the most valuable, “A-list” candidates in the marketplace. We expect to “wow” you with our tireless work ethic and passion to make you successful, and we plan to only share top quality candidates that we ourselves would hire.
I hope you see we are passionate about connecting you with great talent to make your life easier as a hiring manager. When you partner with our team, you will see first-hand the Power of Talent – which will allow you to gain profitability, exceed your goals, turnaround troubled projects, improve your industry reputation, and increase market share.
I hope you’ll consider us for your upcoming resource needs.
All the Best,
Chris Testa, Founder of Testa Search Partners
Global Reach
Testa Search Partners belong to a global recruiting network called NPAworldwide, and have been a valued member of NPAworldwide since inception. NPAworldwide is referred to as the Worldwide Recruiting Network with over 500 boutique staffing and recruiting members around the globe.
By being a member of NPAworldwide, we are considered part of a select group of top recruiters in the world. NPAworldwide only allows reputable firms to join their network.
NPAworldwide is the oldest recruiting network of its kind, with an international membership of recruiting firms located throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Americas. Since Testa Search Partners is part of this global network, we have the ability to reach out to reputable recruiting agencies if we need additional firepower to help with your search. Members like us can work cooperatively to fill your talent needs locally, regionally, and internationally.
By being a part of NPAworldwide, we can provide an array of global recruiting resources and benefits, such as:
- Speed. In addition to our own team, we have the power of a more than 500-firm network behind our effort to find the perfect candidates for your important jobs and positions.
- Global reach. There are NPAworldwide members on six continents, offering you access to candidates and knowledge of local conditions anywhere in the world. It’s a local connection that gives you global reach.
- Passive candidates. Sometimes the best candidates are employed and are not available on job boards. NPAworldwide’s members have access to a large pool of passive candidates collected from its member recruiting organizations.
- Multiple firms working together. The cooperative spirit of this member-owned network means you pay for one firm’s services while leveraging the strength of the entire global recruiting network. Testa Search Partners can serve as your single point of contact for all of your hiring needs globally.