Preparing for a Successful Video Interview

Here are tips to prepare for an online video interview:

1) Smile!  Be positive, energetic, and happy.  Who wants a grump on their team anyway?  Bring some energy to the interview.

2) Show real interest in the job and the company.  Do some research on the company and write down some questions to ask of them.  It looks bad to not have any questions.  It also looks bad to ask the wrong questions at this early stage, such as about pay, benefits, time off, etc.

3) Try to anticipate the questions they’ll ask you, and practice your responses.  Don’t ramble on with long-winded responses, either.  Here is a sample question you should prepare for in advance – what has you interested in our company and this opportunity?

4) Dress appropriately.  You don’t need to wear a suit in most cases, but don’t wear a t-shirt either.

5) Be in a quiet location, free from distractions.  Arrange to have your spouse, pets and kids somewhere else for an hour. Make sure your audio connection is clear and there is no background noise.

6) Join the video at least 5-10 minutes early to make sure the technology is working.

7) Bring a pad of paper and a pen and take notes. It may also relax you because your mind won’t be trying to remember something important while you are also trying to listen and answer questions.

8) Try to remember their names and titles so you can say their name during the interview. Also this will be valuable after the interview when you should email them a thank you message.

9) Relax! Be confident! You got this!!

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